Custom Scripts

If you wish to change any ERPNext form formats, you can do so by using Custom Scripts. For example, if you wish to add a submit button after saving, to a Lead form, you can do so by creating your own script.

Home > Customization > Form Customization > Custom Script

Custom Script

1. How to Create a Custom Script

Create a Custom Script (you must have System Manager role for this):

  1. Go to Custom Script List and click on New.
  2. You will be redirected to a page wherein you will be asked to enter the DocType for which you wish to create a Custom Script.
  3. Type your Custom Script.
  4. Save.

2. Notes

  • Server Custom Scripts are only available for the Administrator.
  • Client Custom Scripts are in JavaScript and Server Custom Scripts are in Python.
  • For testing, make sure to go to Tools > Clear Cache and refresh after updating a Custom Script.

2. Custom Script Examples

Here are some custom script examples:

  1. Custom Button
  2. Date Validation
  3. Fetch Value In Child Table Field
  4. Fetch Values From Master
  5. Filter Options In Select Field
  6. Generate Item Code Based On Custom Logic
  7. Hide Buttons In Form View
  8. Lock Timesheets Based On Date
  9. Make Read Only After Saving
  10. Rename Buttons In Form View
  11. Restrict Cancel Rights
  12. Restrict Purpose Of Stock Entry
  13. Restrict User Based On Child Record
  14. Sales Invoice Id Based On Sales Order Id
  15. Update Date Field Based On Value In Other Date Field

3. Videos

Next: Customize Form