
There are a lot of businesses where the deliverables are not tangible. Think of consulting companies. To showcase their value, such businesses need to track and update each of their processes to stay afloat and grow in the industry. The Project module helps an organization to keep track of such deliverables and ensure their timely completion.

ERPNext helps any company effectively manage business aspects like project management, customer support, sales, and purchase management to list a few. You can look at the following topics after going through this introduction.

1. Topics

1.1. Project Management

  1. Project
  2. Tasks
  3. Project Template
  4. Project Type
  5. Project Update
  6. Project Views

1.2. Time Tracking

  1. Timesheet
  2. Sales Invoice From Timesheet
  3. Salary Slip From Timesheet
  4. Activity Type
  5. Activity Cost

1.3. Reports

  1. Project Reports

2. Articles

  1. Project Costing
  2. Project Profitability
  3. Project Expense Claims
  4. Project Customer Portal
  5. Make a Colorful Gantt Chart

3. Videos

  1. Project Management